Mednarodna menjava sledljivčkov v Ljubljani
Pred nekaj dnevi smo napovedovali že drugi dogodek v tem tednu, tokrat organiziran s strani ekipe hanysek81, ki so k nam prišli iz Poljske. Dogodek je potekal kar v samem centru Ljubljane, točneje na Trgu narodnih herojev, kjer se je zbralo lepo število ekip, s prihodom organizatorja dogodka, pa se je le-ta tudi uradno začel. Na bližnji klopci v parku se je začela menjava sledljivčkov, ki pa je potekala hitreje, kot so jih nekateri uspeli popisati oziroma slikati in ko je sledljivčkov zmanjkalo, so se udeleženci dogodka prepustili običajnim geocacherskim pogovorom. Seveda je nekje med vsem tem dogajanjem iz rok v roke potoval tudi vpisni dnevnik.
Za konec pa še nekaj misli udeležencev:
Zakri: “It was really nice event. A lot of geocachers and a lot of trackables. And two policemen who really wondered what we were doing there 🙂 After some words they left. It was relly nice to see all known faces and meet some new. Thanks for organizing this event.”
Zmajček: “Dolgo, dolgo je že od zadnjega obiskanega eventa, kar predolgo pravzaprav, tako da je bil ta event blizu doma kot narocen. Lepo je bilo po dolgem času spet videti znane obraze in spoznati nove geocacherje, izmenjati izkusnje in seveda sledljivcke. Minute so hitro minevale in morala sem naprej, za spomin pa gre z mano za krajsi cas TB z Eifflovim stolpom za trajen spomin pa se zadnji od avgustovskih suvenirjev:)”
Icabrian: “An event in the centre of Ljubljana, I just couldn’t miss it. It seems that most local and little less local cachers were of the same opinion, since the attendance was really beyond expectations. Meeting point had probably been selected off the Google map and was not too appropriate, so we moved to the benches on the edge of the park, but I don’t think late comers had any problems, such a big crowd was not easy to miss. And because we were next to Slovene parliament, we certainly weren’t missed by security. Two policemen showed up, but I think it was diplomatic skill of Tomsetki that drove them away. They backed away, observed us suspiciously and at some point decided we were not dangerous. In the meantime, we gathered around a huge pile of trackables (to which the organisers contributed quite an impressive number), can’t remember seeing so many in one place in Ljubljana. Again, I had the opportunity to meet some cachers I only knew from logs and of course chat with some old caching friends. And later to attend the afterevent in a bar nearby. Thanks for organising this and bringing us together.”