Ingress field art – štorklja
O risanju po zemljevidu smo že nekajkrat pisali, tokrat vas pa vabimo, da si ogledate kako to izgleda pri igri Ingress.
Pri Ingressu sta dve ekipi igralcev, modra in zelena, ki tekmujeta med sabo za teritorij. Specifičnega cilja v igri ni, oziroma ima vsak svojega, včasih se pa igralci organizirajo za večje akcije. Te akcije so večinoma pokrivanje (zavzemanje) večjega območja – celih držav, ali celo kontinentov. Ker za postavitev polja potrebujemo ključe od ciljnih portalov in so lahko razdalje med njimi velike, so nekateri agentje zadolženi samo za transport teh ključev. Poleg tega se povezave med portali ne smejo sekati, zato je pri večini akcij največ dela pri čiščenju koridorja.

Večslojno pokrivanje BiH, v akciji je sodelovalo več kot 100 agentov iz okoliških držav, s skupnim seštevkom 100M zavzetega prebivalstva – približno 2M na en sloj.
Nekatere akcije pa zahtevajo sodelovanje obeh ekip. Takrat gre za t.i. Cross-Faction Field-Art. V Sloveniji se je to odvijalo drugič, tokrat v čast agentoma @m155tyqDee in @Primuz, ki sta 21. maja 2015 ob 3:14 zjutraj dobila otroka. Zbrali so se agentje iz obeh ekip in jima v Ljubljani narisali štorkljo.
Akcija je potekala v četrtek, 21.5.2015 med 15.00 in 23.00, s prvo fazo – uničevanjem vseh portalov v okolici do okrog 21.00, nato pa v drugi fazi še z risanjem.
Kar je od te umetnije še ostalo do danes si lahko ogledate na živo na Intel zemljevidu na tej povezavi.
Agent @TomLooway je v poročilu zapisal:
Ingress Cross-Faction field art report for operation: Dee Stork
What came first – the chicken or the egg? Apparently “dee” stork!
In late winter days news spread around the ingress community of Slovenia – the Smurfette is pregnant! Resistance agent @m155tyqDee– a leading figure of Slovenian resistance team and a constant PITA for the enlightened agents – and a retired enlightened agent @Primuz were having a baby and the community rejoiced.
In an unofficial meet the idea was presented by enlightened @TomLooway – a cross-faction field art on the day the baby is born! This idea was well accepted in both resistance and enlightened communities.
The resistance agent @tuti42 was the man with the plan – drawing the stork over the capital of Slovenia the right through the densest portal area in Slovenia and placing the newborn’s head over the maternity ward of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. The stork is almost 10km long and 5km high.
After some minor artistic adjustments to the plan were set by @Aambro, the agents gathered in a special top secret HO chat. Apart from one little comm mishap that was remedied in time everyone was very cooperative and followed the rules of engagement!
And so the waiting began – a full week of fake alerts as @m155tyqDee was roaming in the vicinity of the maternity ward for checkups.
Today (May 21, 2015 @3:14AM) the long awaited baby boy was born! And in the words of our inside source: he is a little blue on the outside but shits green! As the news spread in the morning all hands were on deck, available agents confirmed their presence, mixed teams of 1 resistance and 1 enlightened agents were created and the order was given out: “Destroy all, deploy none!”
Through the day the mostly blue city of Ljubljana slowly faded to an intel blackout as enlightened agents destroyed the blue portals. Those who needed more XMPs got them from the cooperative resistance players in their teams.
In the late afternoon/evening the shape of the stork slowly emerged from the blackness of intel map.
As agents slowly finished their tasks the stork was completed, screenshots were turned into animations of progress, the comm bombarding with congratulations for @M155tyqDee began!
The action was concluded with a cross-faction beer in Druga pomoč – a bar/community gathering place near the said clinical center that also doubles as an ingress portal
Agents who took part in this cross-faction artwork are:
@Aambro, @Ace03, @Arcobaleno3, @Artelind, @Bizantin, @Cvetk0, @dash42, @Dolfe, @DragonFoxy, @Eneius, @GeniLoci, @HackZone, @HAL1000, @IamAnej, @KecnoSI, @Korkarca, @kwikkie, @Lucy007, @LuliBuli, @Marlon8781, @MkiMk, @Morrigan51, @oziris2, @Primuz, @RedstoneTehnik, @Retsym, @Rux13, @sladuled, @spacesphere, @Terlej, @Terranerus, @Th0rest, @TomLooway, @tuti42, @Vrtowc, @zl68, @zoc007Some agents were not able to attend but still wanted to congratulate to the parents:, @Certhera, @KingAgony, @MaxiTintiFax, @Micro7, @MihecPihec, @Mitja, @Molotowsvd, @mungo666, @podgana, @pomarancha, @Rhytmica, @Rokson, @Snupi, @TankovskaRacka
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First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the Cross-Faction baby in a baby carriage:
— Ingress (@ingress) May 22, 2015